Exploring the Health Benefits of Roasted Black Gram

Roasted black gram, also known as Bhuna Chana or roasted chickpeas, stands out as a nutritious and versatile food with a plethora of health advantages. Watch a video | STOP EATING IT! 99% of People Thinks is Medicine, But It Hurts You! Here’s a comprehensive look at why adding roasted black gram to your daily … Read more

Defeat Sticky Cholesterol with These Life-Saving Tips.

Cholesterol plays a crucial role in the body, serving as a building block for cell membranes, aiding in hormone production, and facilitating digestion. However, when levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, often referred to as “bad” cholesterol, become elevated, they can lead to significant health issues, particularly concerning heart health. In India, the burden of … Read more

These 6 Supercharged Fish – Dive into a Sea of Omega-3 Goodness to Slash Cholesterol and Boost Vitality

Cholesterol, a vital fatty substance found in every cell, plays crucial roles in our body, such as aiding in vitamin D processing, food digestion, and hormone production. Among its types, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is labeled “bad” cholesterol, while high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is dubbed “good” cholesterol. However, contemporary lifestyles and poor dietary choices have led to … Read more

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