AI Revolution: 5 White-Collar Jobs on the Brink of Extinction!

While there is still ongoing discussion regarding the potential for AI to fully replicate the creativity and intricacy of human labor, it is evident that AI is poised to significantly enhance productivity across a broad spectrum of white-collar jobs. AI is projected to have a similar impact on white-collar professionals as the industrial revolution did … Read more

Revolutionizing AI: AMD’s Bold Move to Crush Nvidia with Acquisition!

AMD recently shared some exciting news about acquiring a company called This move is all about enhancing AMD’s capabilities in open AI software. is known for its talented team and advanced software technology that helps make AI solutions work really well on AMD’s hardware, like Instinct data center accelerators, Ryzen AI processors, EPYC … Read more

Unlock the Secrets to Supercharge Your Smartphone Battery Life.

Most smartphones have lithium-ion batteries, and over time, they lose capacity because of how they work chemically. This means that the more you use your smartphone, the quicker the battery will wear out. But, thanks to advancements in technology, especially in the software, smartphone makers have found new ways to slow down this process. This … Read more

Top 5 Leading Investors in Machine Learning: Unveiling Companies Advancing Computer Learning.

Artificial intelligence serves as a prime example of technology that replicates human-like capabilities within machines. It’s important to note that machine learning is just one component of artificial intelligence, focusing on the automatic and precise processing of data for various applications. While deep learning is not a recent development, it has significantly advanced in recent … Read more

Revolutionary Deepfake Discovery Boosts Learning!

Researchers at the University of Bath have uncovered a fascinating discovery regarding deepfake videos, a technology that involves digitally superimposing one person’s face onto another person’s body. Their research reveals that these deepfake videos have the potential to enhance learning experiences. In two separate experiments focusing on fitness and public speaking, participants demonstrated improved performance … Read more

Shocking Truth: Why AI Tech Giants Are Hemorrhaging Cash!

Since the inception of generative artificial intelligence (AI), experts have raised concerns about the potential challenges associated with this technology, including issues such as the spread of misinformation and the risks posed by highly intelligent AI. However, one critical problem with AI, which is proving detrimental to its development, often goes unnoticed – the economics … Read more

AI Pioneer Drops Bombshell: Will Robots Soon Outsmart Humans?

Geoffrey Hinton, often referred to as the “Godfather of AI,” recently shared his insights and concerns about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in an exclusive interview with CBS News correspondent Scott Pelley. Hinton, a distinguished British computer scientist whose groundbreaking ideas have significantly advanced AI technology, discussed the potential for AI systems to surpass … Read more

OpenAI’s Secret Plan to Revolutionize AI – Will They Take on NVIDIA?

OpenAI, a technology company with backing from Microsoft and the creator of ChatGPT, is reportedly exploring the development of its own artificial intelligence (AI) chipsets and is even considering potential acquisition targets for this purpose. As reported by Reuters, OpenAI is currently in the planning stages and has not yet made a final decision to … Read more

Innovative Breakthrough: Generative AI Costs Set to Become Affordable in the Near Future!

Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially Generative AI, has brought about a significant transformation across various industries, revolutionizing processes ranging from content creation to medical diagnostics. While these platforms have been widely adopted, they also come with a substantial price tag. Currently, the operational cost of running Generative AI platforms often reaches into the millions of dollars … Read more

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